Android 13 is shaping to be more feature-packed than we thought. With the massive overhaul that was Android 12, we didn’t expect Google to really flip the script with the next version. However, the company is introducing a bunch of aesthetic and functional changes to the software that makes the experience better.

Android 13 will have smaller silent notifications

Android has had the ability to set notifications to silent since Android 10. Instead of going into an app’s settings and changing the notification setting, you can just go to the notification, hold down on it, and select the “silent” option. The notification will still show up, but it won’t make a sound when it does. It’s an incredibly useful tool, and with this new update, it has a different look to it. While you’re on the lock screen and you have both default and silent notifications, you’ll notice a size difference. The default notifications will show up the same size, but the silent notifications will be much more compressed. In Android 13, the smaller silent notifications will only show the app icon, and the pill-shaped background will only occupy just enough space to accommodate the icons. Instead of spanning across the screen, it’ll have a smaller footprint. It’s a little change, but it’ll help the user better differentiate between which notifications are more important. It’ll help you keep focused on what notifications need the most attention.

What else is coming to Android 13: Redesigned media player

Android 13 is bringing a new look to a lot of aspects of the software. One such thing is the redesigned media player. With this new version of the software, the media player, itself, is bigger than with Android 12. Not only that, but the album art will fill the entire media player rather than sit just as a small icon.